Update 16/07/2021 – Test and Trace W/C 19th and Reports

Dear Parents, Carers and Pupils, 

I hope you are all well and enjoying the sunshine. This has been another interesting week for our school and I would like to thank all staff, yourselves and the pupils for keeping everything as normal as possible. 

Change in Government guidelines from Monday 19th July

As you may be aware, there will be changes as to how school report and respond to confirmed positive cases of Coronavirus in school as set out by the government.  

For any cases confirmed after 00.01am on Monday 19th July,  schools  must not close a bubble if a pupil or member of staff test positive. The person will need isolate but not the contacts. We will need to seek advice if this happens as the there are changes to the guidance regularly. However, I can confirm the follow systems will be in place. 

  • All members of staff and pupils must inform school if they test positive on an LFT or PCR test and isolate as per the guidance.
  • You will be informed if someone in your class or child’s class tests positive. 
  • We will still be operating the bubbles and all other measures next week and will update further W/C 30/08/2021 for arrangements for September 2021. 

As you are aware there have been multiples positive cases in school with both pupils and staff.  All are beginning to feel much better and they all know they have our full support and best wishes.

The guidance and media massages can be confusing. If you have any concerns at all or any questions, please contact school or email me on cwoodward@st-james.derbyshire.sch.uk. 


Some classes are isolating until Tuesday and the end of year reports will go out on Tuesday. 

Have a great weekend and take care of yourselves. 

Mr Woodward

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