Summer reading challenge

Wednesday 20th July 2022

Dear parents and carers,

We would like to inform you of a Summer Reading Bingo challenge which your child/children can complete over the summer holidays, if they wish to. The challenge is from the Books for Topics website, which we use in school to supplement our curriculum with recommended reading books, including our ‘50 Reads’ books in the treasure chests in our classrooms.

The focus of the challenge is on reading for pleasure experiences rather than specific texts, with activities like make a den and read inside, read in the dark using a torch and read to a pet or a soft toy. Children can choose what they read for the challenges, although please see the ‘recommended reads’ document for  some Summer 2022 recommended reads for those looking for new ideas.

Your child should have brought home a bingo card to use over the summer holidays. The bingo card has two sides – one with 9 challenges, one with 25 – and they can choose which one they do. When pupils return to school after the holidays, they can hand in their completed bingo card to their class teacher, and a certificate for a completed line or for a full house will be awarded. (Although year 6 pupils won’t be here to get the certificate, they may wish to complete the challenge anyway!)

Thank you for your support in keeping the children reading over the summer holidays!

Best wishes,

Miss Warburton and Mrs Cox (English subject leaders)


Summer Reads 2022 recommended reads


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