Return to Private: Home Learning Lockdown

General ideas for activities and supporting well-being

BBC Bitesize, an A – Z of activities without leaving the house

First Aid For Feelings


Mindfulness Challenge Cards

Great Scholastic free resources

Hamilton Trust Learning Packs

Twinkl is full of resources from English, Maths, RE, PE … you name it, they probably have it! They are offering free access. a

You will need to subscribe (for free) and enter the offer code UKTWINKLHELPS

Suggestions for general activities, websites for learning and supporting mental health.

American Learning Website

There are some good ideas and activities but be aware that some of the spelling are American and the class names are different to our year groups. 


The imagination Tree – provides a really practical and helpful stay at home survival guide for parents to use while their children are at home. This includes play ideas, activities and resources for numeracy, literacy, creative, PSHE, physical and science.

Peace Out – guided meditation for very young children is available on youtube

Topmarks – As well as offering practical ideas, online games and resources it also provides a series of articles aimed at parents gives advice on how you can help your child in positive ways and how to support them in their education. The articles have an emphasis on encouragement and show how learning activities can be fun.


Keep a journal/diary over the coming weeks.

This will provide an opportunity for children to reflect on their emotions, to process and think things through. It gives children a safe place to play around with their creativity and writing capabilities.

One of the easiest ways to introduce children to journaling is to begin yourself. When they see you scribbling away in a lovely blank notebook they are almost guaranteed to want one for themselves!
Encourage them straight away to use their journal as an expression of who they are, with felt pens, glitter sticks and a box of stickers. Help them to see a journal as a place where they can draw, glue and paste, write freely or just make lists. This ‘no rules’ approach will help them get the most benefits. Let them use it as a place to write (or draw/photograph) memories, stories, ideas and musings or to simply record their experiences over the coming weeks. It would be wonderful to see them when we all return to school!!

Create an activity jar. Each member of the family writes down activity ideas on lolly pop sticks or strips of paper the whole family can do together. Put them into a jar and take turn selecting and completing them over the weeks.  These would be great to add to the journal

My family have an annual sunflower competition – The tallest sunflower wins, it’s that simple! We would love to see Nursery and Reception children’s sunflower journeys on eexat. It could even be a school wide competition. Make a diary of your sunflower (see twinkl for a template or make your own) and record how you planted and nurtured your sunflower.

Gardening in general has endless benefits on wellbeing and provides many learning opportunities to offer. Tidying up the garden, cleaning the patio furniture, potting up plants or painting the fence are all great jobs to involve the family with and get some spring