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Pupil Premium and Catch-up Premium


Updated and evaluated strategy December 2022

Pupil Premium Strategy 2022-24

Pupil Premium Strategy September 2022-24




Catch-up premium strategy 2020 to 2021 July update

Catch-up premium strategy 2020 to 2021 April update

Catch-up premium strategy 2020 to 2021

Pupil premium strategy statement     

School overview

Metric Data
 School name Whitfield St James’ CE (VC) Primary School
Pupils in school 297
Proportion of disadvantaged pupils 23%
Pupil premium allocation this academic year £86,080.00
Academic year or years covered by statement 2020/2021 – 2021/2022
Publish date October 2020
Review date Termly February 2021 and July 2021
Statement authorised by Leo Ford (Deputy Head teacher)
Pupil premium lead Leo Ford
Governor lead Simon Watts

Disadvantaged pupil progress scores for last academic year

Measure Score
Reading N/A as SATs 2020 were cancelled due to Covid-19

Strategy aims for disadvantaged pupils

Measure Score – This is what we are aiming for this year
Meeting expected standard at KS2  65%
Achieving high standard at KS2 30%


Measure Activity
Priority 1 To ensure that PP children meet the expected standard at the end of Y2 and Y6 in Maths with the teaching of mastery – White Rose Hub and Classroom Secret resources
Priority 2 To ensure that PP children meeting the expected standard at the end of Y6 in Reading and writing through Cornerstones curriculum.
Barriers to learning these priorities address Closing the gap in learning for all PP children, focusing on gap teaching and misconceptions and ‘filling in’ the missed learning due to Co-vid 19 lockdown.
Projected spending Maths resources – Maths Hub – £3000/TTRockstars £200/CGP – £1200/Classroom secrets/£400 Training needs £5000

Curriculum resources – £4000 + resourcing/training £2000

Reading resources – £2000

Training/cover costs – £8000

Monitoring/assessment time – £3000


This spending will be evaluated at each review point and will be amended. This is a working document.


Teaching priorities for current academic year

Aim Target Target date
Progress in Reading Achieve national average progress scores in KS2 Reading (within confidence levels) 2021
Progress in Writing Achieve national average progress scores in KS2 Writing (within confidence levels) 2022
Progress in Mathematics Achieve national average progress scores in KS2 Maths (within confidence levels) 2022
Phonics To be in line with national expectation and in line with their peers in school and in the locality. 2021
Other – attendance To ensure all PP children’s attendance is in line with national average and those of their peers. 2021

Remember to focus support on disadvantaged pupils reaching the expected standard in phonics check at end of year 1.

Targeted academic support for current academic year

Measure Activity
Priority 1 Establish small group interventions to address misconceptions in Maths, Writing, Reading and Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation.
Priority 2 Ensure that all staff (including any new staff) have received training on early language and phonics to ensure consistency of teaching.
Barriers to learning these priorities address Loss of learning through lockdown, a potential poorer start to language, gap teaching addressing needs.
Projected spending Intervention leader/time – £7,000

Phonic/Early reading resources/training/delivery – £3000

Maths resources/training/delivery – £3000 + boosters £7000

Writing resources/training/delivery – £2500


This spending will be evaluated at each review point and will be amended. This is a working document.


Wider strategies for current academic year

Measure Activity
Priority 1 Support children’s well-being thorough a range of support groups – Nurture, Lego Therapy, social skills groups etc.
Priority 2 Ensure children are ready for school through breakfast club provision.
Barriers to learning these priorities address Improving children’s readiness to learn and attendance for the most disadvantaged pupils
Projected spending Rise and Shine staffing and food – £10,000

Nurture staffing and resources – £11,000

Attendance officer – £6,000

Intervention/staffing/resources/accessing behaviour support/Educational Psychologist – £12,000


This spending will be evaluated at each review point and will be amended. This is a working document.

Monitoring and Implementation

Area Challenge Mitigating action
Teaching Ensuring enough time is given to embed teaching and learning and for staff to access development opportunities and ensuring consistency. Use of INSET days, additional cover for monitoring and support. Buying in resources to support teaching.
Targeted support Ensuring staff use the time wisely and focus on areas of need. Teachers to use gap analysis to ensure that extra intervention is focused. Ensuring Teaching assistants/Teachers timetable in intervention support.
Wider strategies Engaging families Working closely with office staff, PP lead and LA on outreach programmes.

Review: last year’s aims and outcomes

Aim Outcome
Due to Co-vid 19 and the lockdown, the aims and outcomes from last year were not, in some cases, completely fulfilled.


During lockdown, we supported a number of our disadvantaged pupils in a number of ways such as: providing food parcels; key worker places in school; providing, printing and delivering bespoke work packs and phone calls home for support and check-ins, just to name a few.


We will be continuing to offer our before school provision as this ensures that our most disadvantaged pupils come into school, ready to learn. We also saw (before lockdown) that our persistent absences and attendance of disadvantaged pupils had improved.


We will also continue to offer our Nurture and well-being interventions.


Due to the lost learning time during lockdown, we will it is imperative to continue building upon our aims from last year, focusing on addressing the learning gap of disadvantaged pupils and non-disadvantaged pupils.





Pupil premium strategy statement      

School overview

Metric Data
 School name Whitfield St James CE (VC) Primary School
Pupils in school 298
Proportion of disadvantaged pupils 22%
Pupil premium allocation this academic year £86,960 (Current expenditure £81,400)
Academic year or years covered by statement 2019-2020
Publish date November 2019
Review date September 2020
Statement authorised by Click or tap here to enter text.
Pupil premium lead Leo Ford
Governor lead Simon Watts

Disadvantaged pupil progress scores for last academic year

Measure Score Previous year


Reading -3.3 -0.47
Writing -7.3 -1.66
Maths -6.1 -5.39

Strategy aims for disadvantaged pupils

Measure Score
Meeting expected standard at KS2 28.6%
Achieving high standard at KS2 0%


Measure Activity
Priority 1 Ensuring the Teaching of Mastery is embedded across the school – working with Maths Hub and Derbyshire County Council Maths Hub
Priority 2 Ensuring that all staff have received training on the curriculum and how to deliver writing effectively.
Priority 3 Update and purchase new books/guided reading resources to encourage reading and developing skills.
Barriers to learning these priorities address Developing differentiation through challenge and support, closing the gap with skills and knowledge across the subjects.
Projected spending Maths resources – Maths Hub – £3000/TTRockstars £200/CGP – £1200 Training £5000

Curriculum resources – £6000 + resourcing/training £2000

Reading resources – £2000

Writing resources – £3000

Training/cover costs – £8000

Monitoring/assessment time – £3000



Teaching priorities for current academic year

Aim Target – Aspirational Target date
Progress in Reading Achieve national average progress scores in KS2 Reading (0) September 2020.
Progress in Writing Achieve the national average progress scores in KS2 Writing September 2020.
Progress in Mathematics Achieve the national average progress scores in KS2 Maths. September 2020.
Phonics To achieve above the national average of 82% July 2019

Targeted academic support for current academic year

Measure Activity
Priority 1 Establish small group maths interventions and resources for disadvantaged pupils falling behind age-related expectations across all year groups.
Priority 2 Targeted support for children in Reception/Y1 to reach expected standard in Phonics.
Priority 3 Targeted support across the school to reach writing expectations.
Barriers to learning these priorities address Closing the gap in maths and phonic skills, knowledge and application ensuring children are achieving the expected standard.
Projected spending Phonic/Early reading resources/training/delivery – £5000

Maths resources/training/delivery – £3500 + boosters £7000

Writing resources/training/delivery – £2500


Wider strategies for current academic year

Measure Activity
Priority 1 Further embed and publicise our ‘Rise and Shine’ Breakfast Club provision for disadvantaged children.
Priority 2 Continue to provide nurture provision to pupils – through ‘Jungle Group’, peer massage, Lego therapy and other interventions.
Priority 3 Ensure all pupils have access to wider curriculum opportunities (cultural capital).
Barriers to learning these priorities address Improving attendance and creating a welcoming atmosphere for our disadvantaged pupils. To enable to children to be ready to learn, have positive self-esteem and image and provide them with opportunities that they may not have experienced.
Projected spending Rise and Shine staffing and food – £9000

Nurture staffing and resources – £11,000

Intervention/staffing/resources/accessing behaviour support/Educational Psychologist – £10,000


Monitoring and Implementation

Area Challenge Mitigating action
Teaching Time to implement new schemes and further embed those introduced last year Provide INSET training for all staff and provide training and support throughout the year. Provide additional cover to support staff and SLT.
Targeted support Ensuring staff confidence and training opportunities in the locality Deliver in-house or cluster training where none is provided locally. Ensure preparation time is included in allocated time.
Wider strategies Engaging families facing challenging lifestyles. Working closely with families, focusing on attendance and well-being. Providing initial support for those families to ensure that their children are in school.

Review: last year’s aims and outcomes

Aim Outcome
Maths Progress Worsening results compared to the year before. As a result, further work needed on maths skills, knowledge and application needed in this academic year. Focus on arithmetic and reasoning skills using Maths Hub and white rose resources for consistency and challenge.
Achieving the expected standard or above in Reading, Writing and Maths Similar to previous year, need to continue to embed changes started last year with an emphasis on writing as this was an area that needs further development.
Nurture/Rise and Shine – Readiness to learn This is a qualitative measure but all children who took part and attended either Nurture or Rise and Shine showed a greater readiness for learning, enabling them to come into school and access the curriculum – persistent absences and attendance of disadvantaged pupils improved over the year.