Update 04/01/2021 and Key worker survey

Good evening, 

I am very sorry, the text system is not working, it has crashed under the weight of the usage. 

We were expecting some sort of closure but I wasn’t expecting it from tomorrow. I am sorry to contact you all in the evening. 

Key worker sign up

School will be open tomorrow for vulnerable children and keyworkers until February half term. Nursery and before and after school club will be closed. Clarification – nursery children of keyworkers will have a place. 

Especially tomorrow, while we get everything prepared, please only send in your children if you are a valid keyworker and absolutely need a place. Please use the survey link below. 

The Keyworker survey has been removed and if you need a keyworker place, please email keyworker@st-james.derbyshire.sch.uk 

Home learning 

Please use the booklets sent out in October and home learning will be available as soon as possible. 

Pupils can wear their own clothes or uniform but we request all children wear clean clothes everyday. 

Again, I am sorry for the late message and we will go through all the details tomorrow.

Have a lovely evening, take care and I will see you in the morning.


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